On the issues

2nd Amendment

The 2nd Amendment is one of the most sacred rights enshrined within the Constitution of the United States.  The 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting, it's not about having a firearm for the sake of having a firearm; it's about self-defense from those who wish to do us harm, whether that be a criminal, a foreign government, or our own.  To that end, we've resolved ourselves to fight to ensure that this right remains. We support causes across the country for "Constitutional Carry"; the belief that the only permit one needs to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights is the Constitution itself.  The 2nd Amendment belongs to everyone, regardless of your sex, gender, race, religion, or sexuality. 

The Drug war

No person should be thrown in jail for possessing, smoking, or ingesting a plant.  To that end, we will fight to pass laws that not only end the prohibition of marijuana and related products, but also encourage the sale and private consumption of such. 

Free Speech

The 1st Amendment is a cornerstone of our society. As such it’s important that we not only safeguard and protect it, but continue to fight for it as well. So called “Free Speech Zones” on campuses and localities across the country fly in the face of this ideal. All persons, regardless of their political affiliations, deserve to be heard and address their grievances with their government.